Congregational Leadership
All Unitarian Universalist congregations are self-governing, self-sustaining entities. This means the final authority over all church matters rests with the congregation's members themselves, including whom to call as Minister. Leadership responsibility is delegated to elected representatives on the Board of Trustees who oversee the Minister. The Minister oversees all staff and operations, and supports the work of the Board of Trustees and other congregational committees.
Board of Trustees
Bradford Community Church UU Board of Trustees is charged with the leadership of the congregation, sets and reviews goals, monitors the executive staff, approves budgetary concerns and supervises all volunteer committees. Trustees are elected at our annual congregational meeting in June of each year.
The 2023-24 Bradford UU Board of Trustees:
The 2023-24 Bradford UU Board of Trustees:
- Mary Jonker, President
- Sarah Kirby, Vice President
- Liz Ryan, Secretary
- Carolyn Feldt, Finance Director
- Jack Dudley
- Wren Larsen
- Bob Estes
- Rev. Erik David Carlson, ex-officio
Congregational Committees
Bradford UU has a number of committees dedicated to specific areas of congregational life and programming:
Elected Leadership
The Finance Committee is accountable for managing all church income and expenses,
conducting stewardship drives and developing the annual budget. The Finance Director is
elected; committee members are volunteers. Finance meets monthly at times determined by the
committee. The Finance Director serves a 3-year term.
The work of the church is strengthened through cash gifts, bequests, assignment of life
insurance, and transfers of real, intangible, and tangible property. The Endowment Committee
decides how best to invest the funds. The Committee meets quarterly to review the investment
strategy, usually on zoom. Endowment Committee members serve a 3-year term.
The Nominating Committee reviews the membership list and nominates qualified voting
members of the congregation for all elected church positions and conducts the elections.
Meetings are held regularly during the church year, depending on need, usually on zoom.
Members serve a 3-year term.
Volunteer Leadership
The Membership Committee connects with visitors and potential members and supports their
path to formal BCCUU membership. The committee works in conjunction with the minister to
address new member classes and orientation. Meeting times are determined by the committee.
Social Concerns
The Social Concerns Committee organizes the Red Sleigh fundraiser for Shalom Center, the
annual Giving Tree for needy families, the UUSC Guest at Your Table charitable and social
justice campaign, the monthly Share the Plate collection for local and national charitable and
social justice organizations and support Bradford's engagement in CUSH. In addition, we engage
with the congregation around opportunities for activism in the community. The Social Concerns
Committee meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month after church or on zoom. Meetings generally
last an hour.
Green Sanctuary
The Green Sanctuary Committee offers environmental education through DVDs and discussion
courses as well as field trips and participation with other congregations to promote
environmental justice. The Green Sanctuary Committee meets on the 4th Sunday of each month
of the church year right after the service in the Young Room.
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Committee responds to member's trauma/excitement about any special event.
We help by being there for the person, listening as they deal with their important event.
Meetings are called as needed to support each other. The length of each meeting is usually not
over an hour.
The Hospitality Committee is responsible for making coffee, setting out snacks, and cleaning up
for the fellowship time after the service. It also schedules and supervises the occasional potluck.
Coffee prep takes place about a half hour, and cleanup time varies. There are no formal meetings.
The assignment schedule is posted for a 6-month period.
The Personnel Committee serves as the HR office for church employees, including hiring,
advertising, and separation. It meets as needed; the location and length of meetings vary.
The Stewardship Committee plans and conducts the drive to raise funds for the financial
operation of the church. Members of the committee work with the minister, finance committee
and the trustees. It meets at the church as needed, from November-May. The meetings last about
an hour to an hour and a half.
The Auction Committee plans the annual church fundraiser held in April, creates the auction booklet and prepares the church for the event. Meetings are held monthly at church from September to March and last about an hour, but the number of the meetings to finalize details may vary as the auction approaches.
Elected Leadership
The Finance Committee is accountable for managing all church income and expenses,
conducting stewardship drives and developing the annual budget. The Finance Director is
elected; committee members are volunteers. Finance meets monthly at times determined by the
committee. The Finance Director serves a 3-year term.
The work of the church is strengthened through cash gifts, bequests, assignment of life
insurance, and transfers of real, intangible, and tangible property. The Endowment Committee
decides how best to invest the funds. The Committee meets quarterly to review the investment
strategy, usually on zoom. Endowment Committee members serve a 3-year term.
The Nominating Committee reviews the membership list and nominates qualified voting
members of the congregation for all elected church positions and conducts the elections.
Meetings are held regularly during the church year, depending on need, usually on zoom.
Members serve a 3-year term.
Volunteer Leadership
The Membership Committee connects with visitors and potential members and supports their
path to formal BCCUU membership. The committee works in conjunction with the minister to
address new member classes and orientation. Meeting times are determined by the committee.
Social Concerns
The Social Concerns Committee organizes the Red Sleigh fundraiser for Shalom Center, the
annual Giving Tree for needy families, the UUSC Guest at Your Table charitable and social
justice campaign, the monthly Share the Plate collection for local and national charitable and
social justice organizations and support Bradford's engagement in CUSH. In addition, we engage
with the congregation around opportunities for activism in the community. The Social Concerns
Committee meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month after church or on zoom. Meetings generally
last an hour.
Green Sanctuary
The Green Sanctuary Committee offers environmental education through DVDs and discussion
courses as well as field trips and participation with other congregations to promote
environmental justice. The Green Sanctuary Committee meets on the 4th Sunday of each month
of the church year right after the service in the Young Room.
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Committee responds to member's trauma/excitement about any special event.
We help by being there for the person, listening as they deal with their important event.
Meetings are called as needed to support each other. The length of each meeting is usually not
over an hour.
The Hospitality Committee is responsible for making coffee, setting out snacks, and cleaning up
for the fellowship time after the service. It also schedules and supervises the occasional potluck.
Coffee prep takes place about a half hour, and cleanup time varies. There are no formal meetings.
The assignment schedule is posted for a 6-month period.
The Personnel Committee serves as the HR office for church employees, including hiring,
advertising, and separation. It meets as needed; the location and length of meetings vary.
The Stewardship Committee plans and conducts the drive to raise funds for the financial
operation of the church. Members of the committee work with the minister, finance committee
and the trustees. It meets at the church as needed, from November-May. The meetings last about
an hour to an hour and a half.
The Auction Committee plans the annual church fundraiser held in April, creates the auction booklet and prepares the church for the event. Meetings are held monthly at church from September to March and last about an hour, but the number of the meetings to finalize details may vary as the auction approaches.